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My favorite so far!


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Very nice and well polished. The how to play screen is not great, but the rest of the game is.


It's fun and cute. Good work.


A good entry for a beginner to enter bullet hell shoot 'em up, imo.


The perfect game so far!!!!!!!! What is this forgotten pc engine hucard I didnt know about ???? ^^ 

This is awesome you did all this during the jam, kudos to you!!!!

I had tremendous fun and will return to it!


This is great! Love the art style, music, and sound effects


Fantastic. This is the first one I actually completed. It's fun, and not too hard. I like that the patterns are actually avoidable and you can sneak your way through because the collision is forgiving. So many bullet hell games feel impossible to play. I also like the stealing mechanic. Overall this is a top contender.


Cool animations and snappy sounds and pew pew. The first boss was hilarious! I hope those vehicles never have wings IRL hahaha!


Tho, I'm still not good at danmaku games, I had a blast on this one. I like the dynamic difficulty it has, and making it harder, means better scoring. I still enjoy this one, and this is certainly a blast to play. Graphics are pretty amazing! Music is pretty good! Gameplay, well if I were a danmaku enthusiast, but I'm not, but I can say in both views, I still think this could be pretty good for beginners at short bursts I guess, and it's also pretty solid and fun.

Overall I enjoyed this one, and would play this alot anyday!

(1 edit) (+1)

EDIT of 5/26/2024: Improved my 2Star No Miss Run! Never been more happy to improve this further.